Landlords in New Zealand are keeping a close eye on the news right now. A deadline is in place for all landlords, including private landlords and Kāinga Ora, to meet minimum Healthy Homes standards. Right now, conversations are taking place in the House about the possibility of extending the current deadline.
Regardless of whether that deadline looms or you have some wiggle room, get ahead and make sure your property complies with the healthy homes standards.
To help, re-visit the minimum standards a home needs to meet, as well as the reports and certificates needed to prove a property is HHS compliant.

Healthy homes standards (HHS)
The healthy homes standards became a legal requirement in 2019. They’re in place to ensure rental properties are healthy and safe to live in, and that they’re easy to keep warm and dry. These responsibilities rest on the shoulders of landlords.
HHS makes sure the following is in full working order and in compliance with set standards:
- Insulation
- Ground Moisture Ingress
- Gutter Cleaning
- Heat Pumps
- Rangehoods
- Bathroom Extractor Fan
- Draught Stoppers and Door Excluders
You can see details of each standard on the Tenancy Services website.

Audits, reports & compliance for NZ homes
Your property needs to be audited in the areas mentioned above. Passing the checks means you’ll be issued a Certificate of Compliance. You’re following the law, protecting your investment, and improving the quality of your rental home. In turn, this means you’re contributing positively to the overall health of New Zealand.
National Project Management can carry out these audits and provide property maintenance based on the assessment report and your heating capacity report.
HHS Assessment Report
We’ll carry out a full assessment of your property, checking all healthy homes standards in detail. You’ll then receive a report containing details and photos of the audited areas.
When we audit a property and find that some or all standards are met, you’ll see a comment stating “compliant in accordance with HHS” in the field of that particular section. In this case, we’ll quote a charge for a certificate of compliance containing all the key details, such as insulation thickness, kW for heat pumps, and exhaust capacity.
Heating Capacity Report
Rental homes have to meet a minimum heating capacity under the healthy homes standards. As part of this, landlords have to include at least one fixed heater for the main living room.
We’ll send through your Heating Capacity Report along with your Assessment Report. This will determine the kW requirements for any fixed heating source at your property.
Feel free to check out the heating assessment tool to help you calculate the minimum heating capacity required in your particular rental home.
Certificate of Compliance (CoC)
Whether we’ve made improvements to your property, or we establish that it’s compliant during the first assessment, we’ll send through an HHS Certificate of Compliance. This is your proof that your home meets all HHS standards.
If your home doesn’t meet the standards, we’ll send through a quote for the corrective work needed to get it up to scratch and HHS-compliant.
Streamline the whole thing with NPM
National Project Management is a one-stop shop for the healthy homes standards. That means you don’t need to work with multiple tradespeople just to make one property HHS-compliant. Instead, we cover all standards and provide one Certificate of Compliance, so you can be confident your home meets the legal guidelines.
Let us take away the stress. Choose an easier process from the initial assessment to the completion of jobs and the awarding of your CoC.